This wallchart provides an effective way for staff to become familiar with the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). It has been fully updated (October 2023) to reflect the latest developments in DoLS. It details the key elements of the legislation, communicating it in a clear and direct manner. It will be especially helpful for staff working in hospitals (public or private), care homes, local authorities and the NHS. The striking design and B2 size mean that it will generate interest and discussion in the workplace and provide an immediately accessible refresher on the law. The wallchart provides essential information on the following: Restraint versus deprivation of liberty What level of restrictions mean a person is deprived of their liberty? What does ‘complete supervision and control and not free to leave’ mean in practice? Why do care providers need to use DoLS? Urgent and standard authorisations Legal criteria for DoLS The DoLS process step-by-step Rights and protection for people under DoLS Frequently asked questions Full colour, B2 size (50 x 70cm)
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